Leadership Training for Youth • Escola da Juventude


The Escola da Juventude – the School of Youth – is located in the city of Feira de Santana in Brazil. The project is completely focussed on the reality of life for children and young people in the 19 parishes of the archdiocese of Feira de Santana/Bahia. The city has around 625,000 inhabitants and has a high proportion of migrants, as many people from the wider area and neighbouring countries move there in search of work and education. The city is also a centre of attraction for young people who come from different, often very precarious backgrounds.

Feira de Santana is a place with a high potential for violence and has one of the highest crime rates in Bahia and is even considered one of the most dangerous cities in Brazil. With their commitment and the many educational, counselling and support services, the Salvatorian Sisters hope to be able to offer young people an alternative to crime and a lack of prospects.

The aim of the project is to qualify young people as group leaders and counsellors, who in turn are active in youth ministry. They can help to strengthen the identity of youth pastoral work, with suggestions for greater involvement in the basic groups of the parishes and socio-ecclesial integration.

Sister Maria Senhora da Conceição and her team with a total of 10 people from the coordination and counselling team of the archdiocese, among others, are available for the implementation of the project and are committed to working with young people with great enthusiasm and experience.


The activities of the social, pastoral programme for 50 young people per year include Religious education and training:

  • Thematic workshops at the 22nd celebration of the Youth Force - Workshop on the Divine Office for young people.
  • Bible reading and sharing workshop
  • Promotion of a Way of the Cross of the Martyrs.
  • Promotion of a youth life project.
  • A film debate on the life of Dom Hélder Câmara.
  • Lectures on each of the curriculum components (Appendix 2) within the Dom Hélder Câmara Youth School in 2024.
  • Exchange and preparation of reports


The expected results are:

  • Training young people involved in youth work, other pastoral ministries and social movements in the parishes.
  • Young people who are committed to youth in the church.
  • To prepare young leaders to take on the role of counsellor for Christian formation in parishes and communities.
  • To accompany young people in the process of personal and professional discernment

The 50 beneficiaries are young people from different groups living in areas of high social vulnerability.
The project will run for two years.

The estimated cost of the project is 3.325,00 euros.


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