For Salvatorian Sisters, proclamation is an important mission. Proclamation has various aspects and takes place in different ways.
Proclamation takes place through catechesis and religious education in schools and parishes, animation and realization of masses and liturgies as well as pastoral assistance of the sick and dying in hospitals and hospices.
We give advice and help in faith issues and support in crises and emergency situations, above all, to migrants and refugees, but also to those who, because of their Christian beliefs, live in great trouble. We seek conversation and pray with people belonging to other religions.
It is also important for us to enable others for the proclamation and, in this way, we prepare, in collaboration with the respective local churches and lay people and train them to take over positions of responsibility in the parish and community.
In many countries, poverty, violence and criminal activity are the steady companion of people in daily life. Pastoral care gives them orientation, supports them and enables them to commit themselves to true life.
Proclamation has many dimensions. People always give witness by their lives. They let God’s love become transparent and tangible. |