In the 90s, the sisters discovered some hidden children with mental disabilities around the small town of Villoonni.The Sathirthya Special School started, initially with three children. Today about 50 children, teenagers and adults attend the school.
These pupils have severe epilepsy, Down syndrome, autism, or general learning disability. But the school helps the pupils to manifold their special abilities. The Sathirthya Special School's offerings are tailored to their needs. Reading, writing and arithmetic are on the timetable, as well as special activities like yoga, painting, dancing, music, physiotherapy and speech therapy. The school offers support and trains physical and mental abilities which include non-disabled children from the surrounding area.
The pupils are accompanied over a long period. In the preschool, the little ones learn to coordinate hands and eyes, to recognize shapes and figures with the help of puzzles. The older pupils (including some adults) attend the small vocational training centre. In the workshops, they make candles, medicine boxes and carrier bags.
Around 20 children and young people live in the dormitory nearby. They help out in the house and garden, which also promotes their independence.
For them, attending school means far more than 'just' to receive an education: The Salvatorian Sisters give the pupils the attention and support they need to manage their everyday lives as independently as possible. And on occasions like the Special Olympics, some of them who otherwise carry the label 'unsuitable' even develop into 'stars'.
The beneficiaries of this project are all people, children, teenagers and adults who are allowed to visit this institution. Their families and even society in general also benefit from the Sathirtya School.
For 20 euros per month you take over a sponsorship and enable 'your' child to attend school.
With 50 euros, you help to buy teaching materials like books, exercise books
and pens for a school class.
With 130 euros, you contribute to special offers like physio and speech therapy. |