In Sri Lanka, education is one of the priorities for the future of the many children and young people and therefore for society. This has become even more important since the pandemic. School attendance was irregular for many months and children became very weak in their education and often lost interest. The current major economic crisis is weakening education once again. The Salvatorian Sisters continue to closely support the children in order to provide them with a good quality education and future.
Parents also need support and guidance. As a result of the economic crisis, many fathers have lost their jobs, are addicted to alcohol and some are even addicted to drugs. In view of the dramatic increase in prices, the low income is barely enough to live on. Many children go to school hungry or skip classes and drop out of school. Mothers take on any job, however low-paid, or increasingly go abroad to earn money for their children's education. |
There is a lack of qualified teaching staff in rural areas. There is a lack of writing and teaching materials. Since there is a lack of public transport the pupils have to walk many kilometres to reach a school.
Children and young people, especially those with learning difficulties, need appropriate support to make up for these deficits. The Salvatorian Sisters have started after-school programs with qualified teachers and the necessary learning material in the places where they live in Boscopura, Egoda Wella and Wijeyakatupotha.
They are currently supporting up to 140 children and young people with school breakfast in the morning five days a week and in small learning groups, three days a week and 3 hours each.
8.900 euros per year are needed.