The export of qualified labour and raw materials, as well as services and tourism, are considered the backbone of the Jordanian economy. The rapid growth of the resident population is a significant challenge for Jordan, as the country has limited water resources and is heavily dependent on imports of energy. Compared to neighbouring countries, Jordanian society has a pronounced middle class. Overall however, prosperity is very unevenly distributed, and the income gap is widening. Although women have relatively good access to education, they are poorly represented in the labour market. Only 13% of Jordanian women are in employment.


AMMAN •Social-pastoral care and help for migrant workers in need

For more than 15 years the Salvatorian sisters in Jordan have been committed to migrant workers from Asia. Especially for women from Sri Lanka, the Philippines and occasionally Bangladesh. Although the number of women who come to Jordan as domestic workers or factory workers has not increased further in recent years, many women still need support.

Because of difficult circumstances, women who lose their jobs or give up, become ill and very poor or loose their legal status is still very high in number.

Many of the situations we have to deal with today are complex and more costly like ten years ago. They demand intensive advice and support on the spot, for example, in the slums, emergency houses and prisons.





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